Welcome to Ballard’s

Kirke park

A neighborhood gem

Kirke Park takes its name from the Norwegian word for “church.” The name is a tribute to the neighborhood’s Norwegian heritage and a reference to the site’s history as home to a once-prominent fringe religious commune.

In 2008, neighbors learned the mysterious, hidden-by-hedges property had been quietly put up for sale. With guidance from Groundswell NW, Friends of Kirke Park (FOKP) quickly formed, hoping to secure the property as green space that would enhance the community. Seattle Parks Department was able to purchase the property; Site Workshop was chosen to design the new park, with input from many public meetings. With money from the 2000 Parks Levy, the near-abandoned property was transformed, and Kirke Park — a vibrant, award-winning park — opened to the public in 2012.

Kirke Park has a lot to offer its neighbors: a central “front porch” pergola, multiple picnic tables, two big open lawns, a climbing tower, a sandbox, double dish swings, a natural “adventure” trail, a P-Patch community garden, an orchard, and a “secret’ ornamental garden — all nestled into a dense, residential neighborhood.


Friends of Kirke Park hosts everything from solstice celebrations to weeding parties. More details are posted on our Events page.

Pruning Demo

Our City Fruit friends will demonstrate early spring pruning on soon — stay tuned!

“Growing Groceries” classes

Good news for veggie gardeners looking to up their game: King County Master Gardeners are offering online, low cost “Growing Groceries” classes!

There’s a Cool Season and a Warm Season series, each consisting of six (6) classes, $8 each. Classes are ideal for beginner to intermediate gardeners and are open to all. Visit the Master Gardener Foundation’s website for more info.


When we have news about Kirke Park, we’ll post it here.

Nerd Alert!

In case you’re interested, our Resources page has been updated! Many of the helpful links that were once spread all over the site have been rounded up in one handy place. Enjoy!

We installed a Pollinator Hotel!

In 2023, the Giving Garden at Kirke Park donated 184 pounds of herbs and edible flowers to the Ballard Food Bank. Many Thanks to our volunteer gardeners! More info can be found on our P-Patch page.

Get Involved

If you want to do more than play in the park, here are some options.

To sign up for the Friends of Kirke Park email list or send a message to the Park’s Neighborhood Liaison, visit the Contact page.

Help fund park improvements and events by making a tax-deductible donation to the Friends of Kirke Park Fund, through the Seattle Parks Foundation.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Kirke Park’s address?

7028 9th Ave NW, Seattle, WA 98117. Kirke Park is in the Ballard neighborhood of Seattle. A map can be found on the Contact page.

Can I volunteer at Kirke Park, or donate money to support park activities?

To hear about events and work parties, please email kirkeparksea@gmail.com and ask to be added to the Friends of Kirke Park email list. You may use the same email address if you’d like to help out as a volunteer. To make a tax-deductible donation to the Friends of Kirke Park Fund, please follow this link to our fundraising page on the Seattle Parks Foundation website.

What do I do if I see activity in the park that makes me concerned for safety?

Call 911.
The dispatcher will decide on the appropriate response. If there are any problems in the park, Seattle Police Department (SPD) wants to hear of it.

How do I report other serious issues, like needles?

Please call Seattle Parks 24-Hour Maintenance Line, (206) 684-7250, to report needles or other serious issues. Select “2” for urgent weekend concerns.

If you have a smart phone, you can use the handy Find It Fix It app to report non-urgent things — like clogged storm drains or overflowing public litter cans — to the City of Seattle.

How do I report graffiti?

Please call the Seattle Graffiti Hotline: (206) 684-7587.

What do I do if I am concerned about off-leash dogs in the park?

If off-leash dogs are causing problems in the park, call Animal Control: (206) 386-7387.

Want to reserve park space for an event?

All park space is open to the public; making reservations is not possible.