Time: 3:00pm through Sunset
Kirke Park turned 10 Years Old in the summer of 2022! We had a great celebration on Saturday, September 17, 2022, with lots of fun activities, including music, games, face-painting, cake walks, and a presentation honoring Friends of Kirke Park founding members. Friends of Kirke Park donated a new 12-foot picnic bench, which now sits in the north end (near the p-patch); FOKP also installed a plaque in the Secret Garden to honor Barbara Hainley, one of Kirke Park’s founders.
Many, many thanks to Seattle Department of Neighborhoods/Small Sparks, Seattle Parks Foundation, and Groundswell NW for their support.
Schedule of Events
3:00-4:00: Sølje Sisters
4:00 – 4:30: Presentation Honoring Kirke Park Founders, followed by a tour of the Secret Garden
4:30-5:30: Seattle Civic (Polka) Band
5:30 – 6:30: Whozyamama Cajun Band
7:30pm: School of Rock
Many thanks to all our wonderful musical groups! We set up a “bandstand” in the corner of the big lawn near the tree, so music fans could enjoy the music from their blankets on the lawn (we provided a couple chairs, too) — dancers had to be sure their patch of ground was level!
Grilled hot dog were available from 4:30pm to 7pm
Other activities:
• Running Around! Our street was closed except to local traffic from 1:00pm to 9:00pm
• Cake Walks! We held Cake Walk competitions between musical acts (we also had a few “extra” small cupcakes so all participants could get a little treat). Many thanks to all our cake bakers!
• Face Painting! A face painter set up “shop” between 3pm and 5pm — so fun!!
• Art Everywhere! We set buckets of chalk all around the park so local artists could decorate the sidewalk and garden/orchard walls
• Games! Neighbors brought game like corn hole and table-top Connect Four, and the face painter brought a bunch of punch balloons.
• Alas, there was no movie, after all. We’re hoping to have some movies at the park next summer.
Thank You Neighbors for a Wonderful Kirke Park Celebration!

There’s still time to make a tax-deductible donation to the Friends of Kirke Park Fund, through the Seattle Parks Foundation, to support future events at Kirke Park.